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After much prayer and consideration, the FBC Grayson leadership team is excited to announce a reopening plan for our facilities. Our desire has been to provide the church with the safest possible reentry into gathered worship. Reopening will happen in phases as opposed to all at once. As we prepare to resume in-person services in the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, it is important to recognize that our church’s services/ministries will be temporarily conducted in a manner different than that which we are used to. In light of the current social distancing guidelines, this current plan will be in place until further notice to create the safest environment for our in-person worship services.  Please be aware, this plan may/will change depending on how social distancing guidelines are adjusted in the coming weeks. 


We will come back to in-person worship on Sunday, May 24th at 11:00am in our Ministry Center.


This change of service time will be to accommodate our LIFE Groups which will continue meeting via Zoom. In order to have as many peope as possible attend both our Zoom LIFE Groups and our morning worship service we are asking all Zoom Groups to meet at 9:00am or after the worship service.


On Sunday the 24th, and until further notice, our in-person services will be limited to Sunday morning only. 


Listed below are changes you can expect in our regathering:



  • We ask that everyone enter through our front entrance. All other entrances will be locked. As you enter, a volunteer will open the door for you and offer temperature checks and ask if anyone in your party has a fever or other symptoms of COVID-19. 

  • We strongly encourage everyone over 2 years old to wear face masks and will provide masks to anyone who does not have one. 

  • We ask that you do not linger in our entrance foyer so that we can safely get everyone in while social distancing. 

  • We will be limiting our in-person attendance to 33% of our maximum occupancy according to Kentucky reopening guidelines.

  • We will observe social-distancing guidelines throughout the facilities. This includes 6-feet of distance between family units. 

  • We will not be passing out bulletins upon entry and our greeters will not be shaking hands.

  • We will have hand sanitizer throughout the facilities. We ask that you use it upon entrance and exit. 


  • We will have chairs dispersed throughout our Ministry center gym with proper social distancing space between them. A volunteer will help you find an appropriate number of chairs for your group. 

  • Once you find your seat, we ask that you stay seated until the end of the service unless absolutely necessary. Please do not switch seats with anyone else.

  • We will not have bulletins, hymnbooks, pens or pencils. Our sermon insert will be emailed out each Sunday.


  • We will not pass an offering plate. There will be offering boxes placed at each exit with offering envelopes nearby. 

  • In order to minimize the risk of spreading through touch, we are asking that you do not shake hands or hug. An air high-five will suffice! There will be no meet and greet time during the service. 

  • We will offer one restroom and it will be cleaned after every use. This will be the restroom at the front entrance in the foyer.

  • At the conclusion of the service, Pastor Josh will offer a Gospel invitation. Those that respond will be led to a response room(Ministry Center kitchen). This will allow the respondent and Pastor Josh to be properly socially distanced. 



  • We will be thoroughly cleaning our facilities according to CDC and Kentucky guidelines for reopening.​

  • This cleaning will occur before and after every service. 


  • For the time being, we will not offer childcare during our worship service. Your kids are welcome to worship with your family unit. If you believe that your child will not be able to handle the service, we will have limited overflow space on the second floor where your family can still view and hear the service.


We will resume our normal LIFE Group, Equip Group and Wednesday evening activities at a later date. For the time being, LIFE Groups, Equip Groups and our Wednesday evening activities will continue online


We understand that some in the church may still feel uncomfortable in returning to church. We honor that decision. If you have reservations about you or your loved ones returning to in-person services at this time, we want you to know that this is perfectly understandable. We will continue to offer our services via live-stream on Facebook and YouTube.


These decisions were hard but have been made prayerfully and with the interest to best serve God and neighbor. If you have any questions about our plans feel free to call the church office (606)474-5641 or you can reach pastor Josh on his cell phone (606)465-4277.

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